Emergency Dentist in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
If you damage a dental restoration, emergency dentistry can reduce the risk of complications and restore your smile to its near-original condition. At Bloomfield Hills Dental Associates, the team of experienced cosmetic and general dentists offers emergency dentistry to patients of all ages. We know pain is agonizing, especially a toothache! At BHDA, we strive to remedy that pain within 24 hours.
What is emergency dentistry?
When you have a dental emergency — whether it’s caused by a sudden accident or chronic disease — your teeth and/or the tissues of the mouth that surround them need to receive proper care. As with any type of medical emergency, it’s important to be aware, before you’re actually in the situation, of what you can do to ensure the best outcome.
The sooner you receive treatment, the less likely you are to experience side effects like pain and/or infection.
When should I schedule an emergency dentistry appointment?
Before scheduling an emergency dentistry appointment at Bloomfield Hills Dental Associates, it’s important to ask yourself several questions, including:
- Is the pain severe?
- Is there swelling in your mouth or face?
- Are any of your teeth loose?
- Do your symptoms interfere with your ability to bite or chew?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, don’t hesitate to call to schedule an appointment.
The Proof is in Our Patients
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Working Hours
9:00 - 7:00
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 8:00
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 5:00
8:00 - 1:00